
My Baby's Back And Kickin'

There's a lot I learn from wise old farts. One specific one, a delicious smelling one might I point out, soon to be 99 years young, has taught me almost everything I know, the good things anyway (I'll take credit for the rest). While most of the time I seem to be the one in the group that can't shut up, and other times the exact opposite, I found there to be a lot to learn from that silent sort of confidence found in certain people.

Those people who fly under the radar, those people who remain calm in times of distress, and those people who let out what they're feeling or thinking when they feel the need to. Those people that are consistent and who don't let their ego get in the way of their vulnerabilities. Those people who take it second by second, caring not for the expectations of others and knowing full on the boundaries between admirable and tasteless.

The sort of person who doesn't believe in self-supression. Who believes in ploughing and laughing all the way through. There are more than a few things I learned from this individual but for short-blog-entry's sake I guess the things I came away with are trust yourself, don't be to proud to go get what you want, and if there's only one thing you could do for the rest of your life, laugh.

Not bad for my baby who doesn't talk much.

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