
Baby Scallops

Yesterday's attempted head banging to Chris Cornell's Dandelion left me with a sore-ass neck (yes Jimmy, that's gonna need some ice)... and a craving for sea scallops!

So off to ol' Highland Farms I ventured. Wild bay baby sea scallops....ohhh yea.

1. Skillet
2. Olive oil and/or butter
3. Onion, garlic, herbs
4. Scallops
5. Cook for 2-6 mins.

Done. Yum.

(Shit, I think my prof just caught me drooling.)

"Well, actually, the disposition of the protagonist as... ... ...Ahhhh. My neck. I think I'm gonna need some ice. I'll be back. Owww."



Critique of the Week: San Sebastian

9 AM Sunday morning, scavenging through which carton of free-run eggs to throw into my basket when my attention veered to a large black rectangular stamp collected from the night's prior adventure.

Saturday May 22: Horseshoe Tavern.

And let me just say, what an awesome time... from the checkered dance floor to the grungy green room. I got to watch the first two bands perform: Paint and San Sebastian, both incredibly talented, fresh and energetic.

If you didn't happen to see San Sebastian get DIScovered on disBAND check 'em out yo! Not only are their mod-like, retro-pop, rock & roll tunes fun to party to, the guys themselves are super appreciative and chillin'... and OBVIOUSLY good looking.

So much so that I had to take out the ol' trusty Flip to get a piece of that action/ass recorded. Check it out!!...



"If the lesson you most need to learn at a certain stage in your life is acceptance, you might notice that a constant stream of people who drive you crazy are entering your life. Or, if your lesson is to be less controlling, you might notice many controlling people surfacing in your day.

Reminds me of what Buddha said so many years ago: 'Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion'...

If you don't have the awareness to know that this is what's happening and deny personal responsibility for your role in the scenarios you're drawing into your life, then these types of people--or should I say teachers--will keep appearing in your life.

They'll continue to recycle, and in progressively more painful ways, until you see your role and your opportunity for advancement in each interaction."

The Saint, The Surfer, And the CEO, Robin Sharma


Respect /ri-spekt/
Synonyms: esteem

(1) Esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability.

(2) To hold in esteem or honor.

(3) To show regard or consideration for: to respect someone's rights.

(4) To refrain from intruding upon or interfering with: to respect a person's privacy.

(5) To relate or have reference to.


Sugar: The Bitter Truth

For more from this interview search 'Underground Wellness' on blogtalkradio.com.


You Better Shape Up, 'Cause I Need a Man... HOLD UP

Today I present to you a hybrid creature born from this featured video of which is awarded the most mis-matched, and yet successful, duo to ever hit the Tube of You:

Danny Zuko and Sandy alongside Snoop and Dre? Honestly... too AWESOME to miss!

The one that I want! Da-ra-ra-ra-ra! Snoop Dogggg!


Obsession of the Week: Ne-yo Yo

Though soon to be two years old, Ne-yo proves an example of how quality music lasts. Check out 'em out yo!
Sexy Love, Year of the Gentleman (2008)


The Boys are Back in Town

After a long walk through High Park foraging for pine needles (yup, they come in handy for tea, as well as for attacking unexpected intruders), I came home to a smack in the face! A smack that resurrected distant memories of JT's posters taped to the inside of closet and wardrobe doors.

I guess I should have seen it coming with New Kids On the Block's escape from hibernation and the rise of young and lucky hopefuls like Justin B. Yup... tis true. It's the return of the BOY BANDS!

Full out. I'm talkin' groups of boys (at least three), tank tops, love ballads and synchronized-flow-into-every-movement dance routines including the "reaching for the camera" move, and the "hugging yourself while singing with eyes closed" move.

Now let's bring back Fromage for 2010!