
"If the lesson you most need to learn at a certain stage in your life is acceptance, you might notice that a constant stream of people who drive you crazy are entering your life. Or, if your lesson is to be less controlling, you might notice many controlling people surfacing in your day.

Reminds me of what Buddha said so many years ago: 'Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion'...

If you don't have the awareness to know that this is what's happening and deny personal responsibility for your role in the scenarios you're drawing into your life, then these types of people--or should I say teachers--will keep appearing in your life.

They'll continue to recycle, and in progressively more painful ways, until you see your role and your opportunity for advancement in each interaction."

The Saint, The Surfer, And the CEO, Robin Sharma

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